Cathlamet Yacht Club Membership Application Procedure
A. Complete the application form and send it to the Secretary along with a check including the initiation fee of $75 plus dues of $120 (if prior to July) or $60 (if after July 1). All applications must have two sponsors. Sponsors are club members who guide applicants through the membership process and assist with their introduction to the Club. Prospective members (at least one person of each member unit) must either have attended a club function or Board meeting within 90 days of submitting their application. All fees and dues will be refunded if the candidate is not approved.
B. The membership will be notified of all applications under consideration by the Board. This will be published by the Secretary by e-mail to all members.
C. Acceptability of any proposed candidate will be determined by the Board after notification to the membership.
D. Any member in good standing can protest the acceptability of a proposed candidate in writing within five (5) days of the notification.
E. Any written objection received by the Board will be discussed in executive session with the objecting club member present only to discuss that particular objection. The voting on the proposed candidate will be done in private by the Board. The results will be communicated to the objecting member. The results of the vote will be mailed to the candidate.
F. If no protest is received by the Board within the prescribed time, the candidate will be approved and will be notified by mail.
Please send the completed application and fees to:
CYC Secretary
Cathlamet Yacht Club
PO Box 665
Cathlamet, WA 98612